Engaging design at first sight.
My name is Meaghan M. Grund and I am a creative packager, designer, illustrator and thinker. I love to create images and designs that complement objects, enhancing their inherent strength and power. When I was younger, I never imagined that I would become a commercial artist. I simply thought I would create art for the sake of art. Now, as a packaging design specialist, I realize the power of the package.
I design packaging of all types and for all manner of objects. My designs are meant to provide products with a home that is both expressive and functional, a container that both contains and conveys meaning.
Tell me about your design needs and together, we’ll work the magic you need for packaging perfection.
In today’s swift world, a sleek UI is what sets you apart from the rest. Great UI is both functional and fabulous.
Data visualization is another form of visual art that grabs user interest and keeps their eyes on your message.
Your online appearance is your first impression in so many cases. That’s why today, web design is so important.
Tell me about your company values and goals, and together, we’ll develop the base for your brand identity.
You should build a website to benefit your users. SEO helps users discover your brand with ease.
The first step in any type of design, regardless of its final intention or dimension, is its graphic representation.